Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Titan- Dry land

Suddenly, the heavens opened, and it started to rain…
When the storm started the pirates were scared but the dad and the kid knew what to do. What they had to do is go around the storm but they need the pirates' help too so it's easier because it’s harder if it’s just two people stirring the wheel. They all stirred together and went around the storm. While they were looking for the thing that was causing it they saw Islands that were stranded and had the dust on it too so the dust was not just on there street but on other countries too. While they had a bumpy ride through those Islands they saw the thing that was causing it, a black dark cloud. When they got hold of it they didn’t know what to do with it because it was escaping from them but The kid knew what to do!. What he did was wash it in the ocean. When he did that the sun came up and everything turned back to normal. They were so happy that they had a celebration at their house.

                                                       THE END

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