Thursday 27 August 2020

Mission to Mars


This is my Writing an my perfect picture. I had to draw a housing complex on mars and I hope you like perfect picture and my writing and bye!.

Their Mission to mars has been a success so far. A month ago, their shuttle had landed on the surface of the red planet and the crew had immediately set to work. They were trying to find different species just to see if there is anything new on the red planet or as we call it, Mars. After a few minutes of searching they found a factory that was in the middle of Mars. The crew didn't know what it was doing there so they went in the factory. It was so big inside that they put their shuttle in the factory. Since they were a crew they all split up in different Isles of the factory. After a few minutes all of them couldn't see each other so it was a little scary for them. On one of the Isles someone found a strange little button so they pressed it. The moment they pressed it they heard nothing but it opened a chest with a lot of rocks so he grabbed all of them and went back where they all met at. After a few minutes the crew came back where they met and the person that had the rocks showed them it and then one of them had an Idea. Their Idea was to show it to lots of different people. They all thought it was a good Idea so they went back on their shuttle and blasted off to earth happy.

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