Tuesday 11 August 2020

My Cybersmart Quality blog post video

This is my Cybersmart Quality blog post video. It's about checking my blog to see if it has the right things for a quality blog post. I hope you enjoy it and 😁bye😁.


  1. Talofa Titan. My name is Alofa. Your Cybersmart Quality Blog Post Video is very interesting. I like how you talked about if you are a Smart Learner, Beginner or Geting and Going. And how you kept on checking and reading the message slowly. Ka Pai! Keep up the good work!
    Blog you later!

  2. Ka pai Titan. Looks like you've got some next steps to work on. I really like the way you presented your video and that you're not afraid to show that you're still learning. From scratch just means that you made all the things on the blog post yourself (so you didn't use someone else's pictures or work). Keep the blog posts coming!

  3. Thanks Phil and Alofa for your comments. I thought Scratch meant like the coding game but it's actually using someone else's picture or work and Alofa than you for your positive information.
    Blog you later,

    1. Thanks for replying Titan. Yes it is confusing when words mean more than one thing. Scratch is also a very cool site for being creative and leanring to code. you could try some of these activities if you like?

  4. Good morning Titan, I really like the way you presented your video and that you're not afraid to show that you're still learning. I like how you talked about whether you are a Smart Learner, Beginner and Getting on with new learning. You continue to grow in all areas of your learning because you never give up. Keep up the good work Titan. Well done.

  5. Thanks Ms Tuipulotu and Phil for your comments. I did like those activities Phil and thank you for your positive information Ms Tuipulotu.
    Blog you later,


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