Friday 21 August 2020

The Amazing Climb


This is my Writing 2!. It's called the amazing climb as you see on the title and it's about a man climbing up to the top of the thing in the picture. I hope you like reading it and bye!.

Holding on tightly to the support rope, the man made his way towards the mighty top. He was really tempted to look down but he still kept going. A few minutes later the man was almost there. The moment he saw the mighty top the rope fell off and he almost fell of but still kept going and going. After climbing and climbing he made it and he was so happy that this had been his first time being so happy in his life!. Suddenly and loudly, a helicopter arrived to pick him up and take him home.


  1. Hi Titan, thank you for sharing your work on your blog with us! I love how you explained what your story was about before we start reading the story! The happy ending sounded like a true one! Well done Titan!
    Blog you later!


  2. Thanks Alofa for your comment and thank you for your positive information. All I want to say is stay safe and stay happy.
    Blog you later,


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