Monday 24 August 2020

The Magnificent Garden


This is my Magnificent Garden writing and perfect picture. My writing is about a giant and garden also 2 girls explore his garden. My perfect picture was to draw what the giant's garden look's like. I hope you like my perfect picture and writing and bye!. 

They were beginning to forget venturing into the giant's garden this morning. After a few minutes they arrived but the gate to the garden was locked. They needed a key and the moment they saw the giant in his bed they saw the giant has the key!. Since he had it they went through his window and grabbed it gently so the giant wouldn't wake up. The moment they opened the gate they saw lots of flowers but so gigantic!. The girls were satisfied by how big the flowers are. They tried to lift one of the flowers but suddenly the giant woke up angry because he saw his gate open. The girls quickly hided behind one of the flowers the moment the giant arrived at his garden. When he looked around his garden he couldn't even see them so the girls ran quickly away towards their home. The next day the girls went to the giant's house and said sorry for going into your garden. The giant accepted their apologies and the giant gave them 1 flower each but not big not small but just the right size. Loudly, the girls thanked him and gave him flowers but different ones. The moment the girls were heading home the giant was happy and so were the girls. 


  1. Ka pai Titan, you've obviously put a lot of thought into your writing. I like your choices of words like the adverb loudly. I can't see your picture very well. Maybe you could take another photo with better lighting? How do you think you could make this awesome story even more engaging? Maybe making it into an animation or adding a voice over?

  2. Thanks Phil for your comment. Maybe I could do a voice over or making it into animation and I will try to make a better lighting. Stay safe and stay happy.
    Blog you later,


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