Tuesday 1 September 2020

The Deadly Dragon


This is my Perfect Picture and my writing. I had to draw what the dragon looked like and what I imagined it looked like is a dragon with long wings and 2 tails. I hope you enjoy looking at my perfect picture and my writing and bye!.

The eye was as green as in a garden on a summer day, but much more deadly. It was speckled with gold, like the brightest stars shimmering in the sky at night, but much more deadly. It had wings that were like solid gold, but very deadly. The creature would silently go into the shadows like he was in smoke, but very very deadly. He looked friendly but the moment you even try to touch the creature you'll know that it's deadly. After a few days when the creature was at a village someone finally defeated it. It took him or her over about an hour but they still did it. Since he or her killed the dragon they had celebrations and gave him or her lots of gifts kindly. 

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