Wednesday 2 September 2020

The House Snail


This is my Perfect picture and my writing. What materials I made from my house or perfect picture is brick, metal and lots of strong things. Where my house or perfect picture is located is at New Zealand. I hope you enjoy reading my writing and liking my picture and bye!.

You think you've seen some unusual houses in your time... Well, this is a house that will blow you away!. What makes it blows away is that it lives in space. Lot's of people didn't know that this house exists and a snail lives in it!. After when people knew about the house in space a black hole beneath the house nearly sucked the house but luckily the house was stuck to 2 thick strings that are surprisingly strong. The moment the sunrise on earth the black hole shrank and couldn't suck the house. After a few hours the snail waked up shivering in his clothes and he thought the black hole was still there but it was gone because it shrank as we all know. Since the black hole was gone the snail went back into his house happy.

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