Tuesday 27 October 2020

My Vocabulary

 Words for meaning and sentence - Adrenaline, Captivated, Courageous, Rotation, Adventure, Equipment, Fearful and Scenery. 

Adrenaline - When you have anger fear or excitement in your heart it will beat fast and you have more energy.

Sentence - I feel like I have Adrenaline racing up my body. 

Captivated - Holding your interest of Charm.

Sentence - He was really captivated by her wife.

Courageous - Being Brave not scared or anything.

Sentence - I am courageous enough to jump off the Mountain.

Rotation - Rotating somewhere in the centre.

Sentence - My class did a Rotation Swiftly.

Adventure - A exciting experience.

Sentence - I am going on a adventure to South Africa.

Equipment - Different kinds of Items.

Sentence - I need this equipment so I can survive Covid 19.

Fearful - Showing lots of Anxiety and Fear.

Sentence - I will be Fearful for the rest of the battle.

Scenery - A Natural Landscape of Appearance.

Sentence - I’m going to use this kind of Scenery for my Art.

This is my Vocabulary. It's a camp recap that we have to do. I hope you like reading my Vocab and bye!.

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