Monday 7 December 2020

How I show Manaakitanga

Kia Ora everybody. This is my "How I show Manaakitanga" slides. It's about how I show manaakitanga but with a twist, in the classroom. I hope you like reading my tips of how I show manaakitanga and bye!.


  1. Kia ora Titan. Wow, I've never heard splendiferous before. Did you make it up? I'm glad you value sharing as it's a great way to get feedback from others. How could you show Manaakitanga over the summer when you're not at school?

  2. Thank you Phil for your comment. Splendiferous was not made up by me but in this movie called wonder park this monkey says splendiferous all the time and the monkeys name is peanut. I think how I would show Manaakitanga when it's summer is helping the poor people, making new friends and etc. How would you show manaakitanga when it's summer?.
    Blog you later,

    1. Ka pai Titan. What a good idea to help other people. I like to help the environment too by doing some pest control and weeding in my spare time. I also think you can show Manaakitanga whenever you interact with people.

  3. Thanks Phil for your comment. I think your right Phil about I can Interact with people because sometimes I say hello to people or hows your day been.
    Since you do weeding in your spare time sometimes, what is the most weeds you've seen when your weeding?.
    Blog you later,

    1. We have a lot of a weed called climbing asparagus on my street. It's really bad because it wraps around the native trees. It's quite relaxing to pull it out. Hopefully we can save some of the native trees which will also help the native birds.

  4. Thanks Phil for your comment. I searched up climbing asparagus and on some pictures they are really big. I think there is a way to save the naive trees because if we all weed in our free time then maybe the naive trees and native birds might be saved. How do you think to save the naive trees and also the native birds?.
    Blog you later,


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