Saturday 26 September 2020

Holiday Blog 4

This is my Whanowhano google drawing. It's about the game Whanowhano and Whanowhano is a Maori game that is really fun. I hope you like my Whanowhano google drawing and bye!.


  1. Kia ora Titan. Great instructions and well done for including some images. Did you try playing the game? What other traditional games do you know?

  2. Kia Phil. I did play it with my little brothers and it was pretty fun. I do not know any other traditional games but maybe I could search up some and maybe give it a go.
    Blog you later,

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Malo e lelei Titan. Wow! Wow! Thank you for sharing your work with us and I am sure that your little brothers really enjoyed playing the game with you. Keep up the good work Titan, I am very proud of you.

  5. Thank you Ms Tuipulotu for your comment and thank you for your positive information too.
    Have you ever tried anything like this before?.
    Blog you later,


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